Dorothy Pam, Town Councilor, District 3

MONDAY AUGUST 21, 2023 6:30 pm.


You’re right, why are we discussing this important piece of business in the doldrums of the summer when no one is paying any attention?  I find this particularly alarming, since it turns out this report has been ready since May 1, 2023. Oh, if only someone had asked for it. Oh, yes, I forgot, I did 2 or 3 times. Yet no one replied saying, “Here it is, read it.”

You can find it now–“7.b. Boltwood Garage Feasiblity Study – Final Report (002).pdf”


The Boltwood Garage was built with a foundation strong enough to add two more floors. It is still strong enough to support them. Anyone who built into the clearance space of the future garage expansion knew what they were doing and should remove the building when the garage is expanded if that space is needed.

We must resist the forward march of those whose wish is to destroy the historic residential part of town by first creating the need for more parking by providing almost none of it for the residents of the new apartment buildings, then get a parking overlay district to allow a large, lit all night garage building cheek by jowl with our Local Historical District on North Prospect Street, so convenient to those same apartments. You’d almost think this was a well thought out plan!!!

The report says it is possible to expand the Boltwood Parking Garage, but cheaper to build all new. Isn’t that what all reports say nowadays?

We must stop the slow march to this terrible plan NOW. 

No matter what, show up at the Town Council meeting on Zoom Monday night.

TOWN COUNCILOR IN PERSON OFFICE HOURS at the Jones Library, the Amherst Room, 2nd floor. Joint hours with Councilors Dorothy Pam and Jennifer Taub.  Tea, cookies, and conversation.   Come visit– Just drop in or let me know you are coming; Email me at  Saturdays 10—12 p.m., September 23, October 7, and November 4, 2023.